Shining Brightly Being You


I’m passionate about the myths and stories of the feminine. In fact, I see ‘Legendary Heroines’ in all of my clients, which means I see not only their personal stories of bravery and transformation, but I also see the archetypes of the feminine that they are embodying, and how these archetypes offer a map and guide on their personal journey.

My ‘Shining Brightly Being You’ audio is the first in a series of Legendary Heroine audios I’m creating. In this audio, I introduce you to a specific legendary heroine archetype that offers a huge amount of insight around sharing our authentic voice, the struggles and challenges of shining brightly, being seen and visible and taking centre stage in our lives.

Her story gives us a map of how and why we can end up hiding in our work or relationships, and how to come out of hiding and be seen in the world. I hope you enjoy it and that it inspires you to take your heroine’s adventure in shining brightly in your life.

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